Monday, October 27, 2008

Observations from the Cheap Seats

Fade In:

The Year: 2008
The Place: Somewhere in the Mountains of Utah
The Idea: Getting Back to My Roots.

There is something quite extraordinary about hard work. Hard work gives me a sense of earning my daily bread.
How common it is today to have the "something for nothing" attitude, that sense of entitlement, the something
is owed to me stance. Well... it's not. Nothing is owed to you, nothing is owed to me. The wonderful part of
this journey, we call life, is working hard for what we get. I could give countless examples of those that busted
their asses to get their families fed, even those that died for an ideal bigger than themselves, but I won't. I honor
them by the simple shout, "Get off your Asses and get to work! "

