Sunday, February 22, 2009

What is Real?

Hey Gang,

It's been a while since my last post... sometimes it's hard to find the words.

This past weekend, the Throwdown Fight Show came and went... and with it some good victories, a couple of dissapointments, and alot of hard work. It's times like these, that I sit back, and realize what's really important. It's not winning, or losing. It's not making money, or not. It's what we find out about ourselves. What lessons we take from experience. Life is about overcoming adversity. It's a constant buffet of choices. Do we push forward? Do we overcome? or do we regress, and be vanquished? I, for one, choose the road of progress. I take with me, this day, the lessons life has so perfectly laid before me. Do you?

from the mountains,
