Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Stay Hungry

Hello friends,

Choose today to consume a little less. Eat less, waste less, just minimize a little. It is by staying hungry, that we feel alive. It is by over consumption that we became lazy, lethargic, and blind to the reality of being. Today... push away from the table before you are full, remember what it feels like to be a little hungry. Feel what it's like to be alive again. more later...

from the mountains,


Monday, July 27, 2009

To my son

To my son,

The times they are a changin- I have been listening to this timeless Bob Dylan song a lot lately. It is poignant to me in many ways, not only personally (marriage, and a new baby), but also in the broader sense of the world in which I live. The economic downturn, the opportunity to find ourselves again. It's a chance to reclaim our honor.

How often do we hear "If only so and so wasn't in office" or "If only I could catch a break", or better still "Why can't I have the luck of so and so" Well... I believe... wait... I know, that we need this uncertainty, we need strife, and we need a return to the hard working, "I make my own luck" attitude of the "Greatest Generation" With the World War II Generation there was very little sense of entitlement, a man knew it was up to him to provide for his family, it was his duty to serve his country, and disputes were handled face to face, not in the cowardly courtrooms of today.

How do we return? How do we get back to Honor, Duty, and Commitment ?

I have some ideas......