Saturday, October 3, 2009


Hello my friends,

Time slips away doesn't it? In August it was 1 year since my dog Angel passed. I spent the day in reverence of her memory. My son Roman is getting bigger by the day. Summer flew by. With Autumn here and the amazing colors on the trees. It will be winter soon, Thanksgiving, Christmas, on and on it goes. I want to slow it all down, but alas I can't. I must pause and give thanks to all who brighten my days. My wife... Thank you, I love you so much. You are the most amazing wife. I am so lucky. You are my light and the most amazing mother to our son. Thanks to my son Roman who makes my life complete. Thanks to my doggies who teach me every day to live fully in each moment. To my mom who is the most amazing mother one could ask for. To my sister who is an amazing mother in her own right. To all of my wonderful friends, you are amazing individuals. Finally, I give thanks to God.... that's all I have to say.

From the mountains,


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